domingo, 6 de febrero de 2011


Como ya sabeis, el año pasado se celebró el centenario del fallecimiento de Mark Twain (Samuel Clemens). Fue el autor de títulos como "Tom Sawyer" o "Las aventuras de Huckleberry Finn". En sus libros plasmó como nadie la vida de los sureños en EE.UU. desde un punto de vista tan realista que la sociedad puritana prohibió su lectura a los adolescentes debido a que hablaba sin tapujos de las consecuencias de la esclavitud y del maltrato infantil. Ahora, es un libro de obligada lectura en los institutos norteamericanos y los alumnos de 4ºESO han leído su adaptación para examinarse en esta 2ª evaluación. Una de las preguntas del control era su opinión sobre el libro y éstas han sido algunas de sus opiniones (y sin diccionario,eh?)

I like the book because it has a lot of adventures. My favourite character is Tom Sawyer because he is crazy and he has got fantastic ideas. For me, the best part is when Huck Finn kills a wild pig and throws its blood all over the cabin. The worst part is when Huck's father kidnaps him. EDUARDO MARTIN GONZALEZ

Yes, I like it because it's a great book with action and lies... I also liked it because Huck is an intelligent boy that knows how to live without parents. My favourite characters are The Duke and The King, they are stupid. ALFONSO REY CALAFATE

I don't like the book because it's a little bit boring. At the beginning, I didn't know anything about this book and while I was reading it, the story isn't clear enough about each adventure and I got lost. At the end, things were not very clear either. I think I have to read it in Spanish to understand the story in English. ALBA ESPINOSA

I think this book is great because it's a bit imaginative and I like fiction books. My favourite character is Huckleberry Finn; he's a very good child although he is a bit naughty. For me. the most interesting part is when "the duke" and "the king" perform in a town and the most boring part is when the boat hits a raft and smashes it. NATALIA REDONDO TERLEIRA

Yes, I do. I like this book because I think it's a beautiful, amazing, interesting and imaginative story with a lot of funny adventures. I also like it because I think it talks about friendship. I like the end: Jim is a free man. AHITANA MIRANDA MOLINA

I liked the book because it was about a boy that even when he was rich, he decided to live like a wild boy, having lots of adventures for fun. The conclusion is that I liked it because it was different from the books that I usually read. CARLOS FERNANDEZ ROMO

1 comentario:

Eva Collado dijo...

Es muy interesante poder leer las creaciones que vais elaborando en las clases.
Ánimo, que lo creeis lo podamos leer los demás.