viernes, 21 de enero de 2011

Writing: a hoax

La segunda redacción propuesta a los alumnos de 4º ESO fue escribir un artículo periodístico cuya noticia fuera "a hoax", una palabra inglesa que se usa para definir una historia falsa y principalmente imaginativa. En España esta tradición se hace el 28 de Diciembre coincidiendo con el día de los Santos inocentes pero en los países anglosajones se hace el 1 de Abril que es el día conocido como "April Fool's Day" (el día de los locos de Abril). Las noticias inventadas por Iván y Silvia coinciden con el tema de la monarquía: ¿os imaginaís al Rey Juan Carlos convirtiéndose en punky por culpa del stress o a la Reina Isabel II sorprendida por un gigantesco melón? ¡Cosas de la imaginación!


Last week, reporters explained in the news that King Juan Carlos I of Spain had decided to give up the Spanish Crown to become a punk singer.

They also said that The King had dyed his hair in yellow, red and green. The doctor in La Zarauela (the Spanish official palace) was very worried and explained that King Juan Carlos I was quite stressed and this could be a result of this stress.


Last week, Jospeh Watson, a farmer from a small village in England, was picking up his fruit when he saw an enormous watermelon. This watermelon was so big that he thought it would be a good idea to give it to Queen Elizabeth II.

So he travelled to London and arrived at Buckingham Palace with his enormous fruit. People didn't stop him, he crossed the police security line and looked for the Queen's office. The guards at Buckingham Palace thought that Joseph was the new greengrocer.

He found the Queen's office and she was there. She was very surprised but she didn't call the police. Finally, The Queen and Joseph talked about the story and she accepted Joseph's present.

1 comentario:

Beatriz dijo...

These news are very interesting.
For the first time, very funny news¡
Thanks to Iván and Silvia,
from Beatriz (Music Teacher)